About High Valley Transit
How can I contact High Valley Transit?
Please contact us at 435-246-1538 or by email at [email protected].
When and where does High Valley Transit operate?
Our service operates 7 days a week.
The timetables for the fixed-route bus lines can be found here.
Micro operates within three micro zones:
Summit: 5am - 1am
Park City: 6:30am - 12am
Heber Valley/Wasatch Back: 5am - 10pm
Note: End to end Micro rides can only begin and end within the same zone. If you'd like to book from one zone to another, you will see available intermodal options that combine Micro rides and fixed-line routes to get you between zones.
What is the frequency for the HVT buses in Park City?
Generally, the HVT buses on the 101 run every 15 minutes.
Can I bring bikes on the bus?
We'd like you to utilize the bike racks on the front of the buses if possible. If not, it is a case by case based on the occupancy of the bus. Generally speaking, we can accommodate your bike in most instances.
What is High Valley Transit’s microtransit service?
High Valley Transit’s microtransit service, Micro, is a dynamically routed, app-based shuttle service brought to you by a partnership between Via and Summit County. The service is open to everyone and is 100% free. You can request pickups and dropoffs to and from any locations within the service areas directly from the app. You can also call 435-246-1538 and a member of our team can book a ride on your behalf.
Does the bus system work with the micro system?
Yes! At High Valley Transit you can book a ride that may originate with a micro ride that will drop you off at a bus stop where you can continue your journey or vice versa.
How many people will I share my Micro ride with?
The number of passengers you will share a ride with varies depending on who’s headed in the same direction at the same time! At the time of launch and until otherwise communicated, vehicles and bookings will be limited to a capacity of 4 riders so that no one is sitting upfront in the driver cabin.
What platform(s) is the app available on?
Download the High Valley Transit app from either the App Store for iPhone or the Google Play Store for Android. It’s free to download, so get riding today!
Getting started.
Do I qualify for the Micro service?
Micro is open to anyone over the age of 18, or 10 with parental consent.
How do I get the app?
The High Valley Transit app is currently available for iPhone and Android devices. The app is available for iPhone in the App Store and for Android in the Google Play Store. If you do not have a smartphone, please call 435-246-1538 and one of our member service representatives can help you set up an account.
How do I create a High Valley Transit account?
If this is your first time using the app, you'll need to press "Get Started" and create an account before you can log in and book a ride.
Step One: Click on the "Get Started" button in the home screen of the app.
Step Two: Enter the requested personal information on the first page of this screen. You can even add a photo if you like!
I don't have a smartphone. Can I still create an account?
Yes, you can create an account over the phone. Please call our live support number at 435-246-1538 and an agent will assist you.
Riding with us.
How do I book a High Valley Transit ride?
Download the free High Valley Transit app, sign up, and book a ride to or from any location in the service zone in a few super easy steps.

STEP 1 [Setting Pick Up]:

STEP 2 [Setting Drop Off]:
Move the map until the darker blue marker is at your desired drop off location and press "Set My Destination." We will check for available vehicles and connect you with the best vehicle for your ride.

STEP 3 [Booking ride]:
Review the ride offer in the proposal screen (you may receive several proposals with different ETAs). Select the one that works best for you and press "Book This Ride." All the details, including exact pick up location and information on the car picking you up, will then be displayed.
Don't have a smartphone?
Call us at 435-246-1538 to book a ride over the phone. Please be prepared to provide the phone number tied to your account, your pick up address, and your drop off address.
What are the points of interest in the app?
These are major transit hubs that are highlighted in the app to make it easy to connect to the free bus lines. Select them to easily choose where you need to go to or from!
Where do I wait for my Micro ride?
After you book a ride, the app will display the pickup location where the vehicle will meet you. Micro is a corner-to-corner service, so we’ll pick you up and drop you off at a nearby corner!
Make sure you’re at the pickup spot when the vehicle arrives! The app will count down the minutes to your vehicle’s arrival, and we’ll send you a text when the vehicle is two minutes away and again when it arrives. For assistance, you can reply to that text or call our Live Support team at 435-246-1538 - we can always help!
Remember: High Valley Transit is a community, and you’re sharing your Micro ride with other members. Keeping them waiting results in delays for the whole community, and if you’re more than 2 minutes late, the vehicle will have to leave.
Want to track your vehicle while you wait? In the app, zoom out from your pickup spot or click the small compass icon in the bottom right, and you’ll be able to follow the vehicle on the map as it approaches.
How do I know when my vehicle will arrive?
After you set your Pickup and Dropoff in the app, we'll give you an estimated time until your vehicle arrives. When your car is 2 minutes away, we'll send you a text message to let you know that your ride is getting close. When your ride arrives, we'll send you another text to let you know!
How much does a ride cost?
Rides are fare free!
Can I bring my friends and family with me on a ride?
Yes! You can add +1s to your booking. Capacity is currently set at 4 riders.
What do Micro vehicles look like?
Our vehicles are wrapped in High Valley Transit colors and have the High Valley Transit logo clearly displayed. The best way to identify your ride is by checking the license plate number displayed in your app.
How do I know which van is mine?
When you book your vehicle, we'll list the information about the car coming to pick you up directly in the ride screen. This will include the license plate number as well as the make and model of car and the driver’s first name.
When the vehicle is approaching, we'll send you a quick reminder text with this information (as well as the pick up spot). Once the vehicle has arrived, you'll receive another text and a "Your ride is here" notice in your app.
All vehicles are branded with High Valley Transit’s logo and colors, so not only do they look amazing, but they should also be easy to spot.
How do I cancel a ride?
After a ride has been booked, you can cancel it by selecting the "Cancel Ride" option, at the bottom of your phone screen. Please note that sometimes the "Cancel Ride" button will be hidden on the screen in order to give you more space to view the map. You can find the button again by pressing the grey line on the bottom of your screen just above the vehicle license plate number.
Remember: High Valley Transit is a community, and cancelling your Micro ride at the last minute will unnecessarily delay other riders!
I am a wheelchair passenger. Do you have vehicles that can accommodate me?
Yes! If you need a wheelchair accessible vehicle, please make sure to toggle on the "Wheelchair Accessible" option in your account profile. To find this toggle, go to the in-app menu, then press your name in the top left to access your account page, and once in account, select ‘Special Settings’. From there, simply press on the Wheelchair accessibility toggle to indicate that you are a wheelchair passenger. If you don't have a smartphone and require assistance with creating your account, you can let our Live Support team know you need a wheelchair accessible vehicle at that time. You will then be matched with a wheelchair accessible vehicle for your ride and receive curb to curb service.
My driver was great! How can I thank them?
Our Driver Partners are the butter to our bread. Simply put, they’re the best! If you had a great experience with a driver, please let us know by filling out the feedback screen after your ride.
How do I retrieve something left in a vehicle?
We’ve all been there, and we feel for you! As soon as you realize an item is missing, please let us know by emailing us at [email protected], and we’ll put you in touch with your driver to track it down!
Why is my place-pin in the middle of the ocean?
We’re not quite ready to pilot High Valley Transit’s shared submarine service, so your map definitely shouldn’t be defaulting to a strange location. Please make sure that Location Services are enabled for the app on your phone (Settings - Privacy - Location Services), and that should bring you back to dry land STAT!
Can I change my destination once I’m in the car?
We get it - mistakes happen, plans change, and sometimes the destination you booked to is no longer the destination you need to get to.
While we aim to please on every Micro ride, in the event that a change would delay another passenger in the car or awaiting pick up, we can't accommodate requests for changes to drop-offs. You can always shoot us a text or call us mid-ride at 435-246-1538, and we'll certainly try our best to accommodate your situation. If you haven't gotten on board yet, just cancel the ride and re-book with the new destination!
Where can I see my past rides and purchases?
You can view any past rides and purchases right in your app under "Menu" - "History."
My driver left without me!
Oh no - we're sorry we didn't get you on board!
If you were marked as a "No Show" and you still need a ride, please re-book directly in your app or over the phone with our Live Support Team, and send an email so we can look into what went wrong.
If your app is indicating that you were picked up, please text our Live Support Team directly by replying to any message we have sent you, so we can cancel that ride and make sure you are able to re-book. You can also call us directly if you do not have SMS and we can help sort the situation out!
About Valley Ride.
How do I book a ride?
Call us at 435-710-4009.
What is Valley Ride?
Valley Ride is High Valley Transit's ADA complementary paratransit service providing safe, easy, and free rides to eligible riders.
What does Valley Ride cost to ride?
The service is FREE to ride!
When does Valley Ride operate?
First pickup 5:15am, last dropoff 12:45am. 7 days a week!
When should I book a ride?
All rides must be scheduled in advance — the booking cutoff is 5pm the day before you want to ride. However, you can continue to book after 5pm the day before and we will do our best to send a ride your way.
You can book up to 14 days in advance. We recommend booking as far in advance as you can.
If you can’t make it, cancel. If you cancel late or fail to show up for your ride more than three times in a 30-day period, your eligibility to ride may be suspended.
How is my pickup time determined?
In order to provide equitable service for all riders, scheduled pickup time may be up to 60 minutes earlier or later than you requested.
When will my driver arrive?
Your driver will arrive within a 30-minute window. We’ll let you know what the exact window is once you book your ride.
Can I ride with a Patient Care Assistant?
PCAs are welcome on Valley Ride. You may also bring along one companion in addition to a PCA. PCAs and companions must be picked up and dropped off at the same location as the enrolled rider.
Can I ride with a wheelchair, or receive assistance getting into the vehicle?
If you’ve indicated that you need a wheelchair accessible vehicle in your application process, we will send one your way. All of our vehicles have custom designs, so they’re easy to spot. If you need assistance getting in or out of the vehicle, please let your driver know — they’re all professionally trained and eager to help.
Where will the vehicle pick me up?
Valley Ride provides origin to destination service. This means curb-to-curb service or door-to-door service for riders who need it.
For door-to-door service, Valley Ride will try to park the vehicle as close as possible to the destination, and the driver will escort the rider from the vehicle to the outer door of the destination if safe to do so without losing sight of their vehicle.
For curb-to-curb service, assistance is not provided until the rider reaches the curb. In either case, the driver will assist riders entering and exiting the vehicle.
Will I receive reminders about my ride?
At 5pm the day before your upcoming ride, we’ll call you or send you a text message reminder.
On the day of your ride, we’ll call or send you a text message when your driver is approaching.
When the vehicle has arrived, we’ll do the same. If you don’t show up, you will receive a no show call or text.
Who is eligible for Valley Ride service?
The certification process strictly limits ADA complementary paratransit eligibility to the regulatory definition of eligibility.
Only those persons who meet the regulatory definition will be given documentation indicating that they are ADA Paratransit Eligible. Temporary eligibility for ADA complementary paratransit service will be allowed for those with a disability that is only temporary in nature. Temporary eligibility is established during the certification process.
Park City Mobility riders will automatically be eligible for Valley Ride services.
How do you apply for eligibility?
To apply for the Valley Ride program, please head to highvalleytransit.org/valley-ride or call 435-710-4009 and complete the application in English or Spanish. HVT may contact your healthcare provider for verification as needed.
Most applicants hear back within seven business days. If your eligibility decision is not made within 21 days of completing the application process, you will be able to use the service until a decision is made. If you disagree with the decision you receive, you can appeal.
Does Valley Ride have COVID safety precautions in place?
Yes! Below are a few of the important safety measures we’ve put in place:
We’re using in-app wellness checks to make sure drivers are symptom-free and ready to roll.
We manage vehicle capacity in accordance with social distancing guidelines.
In line with CDC guidance, a mask or face covering is required on board for riders and drivers alike.
Vehicles are being cleaned regularly.
We’re listening. If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, please let us know.
Our team is trained and ready to help.
High Valley Transit policies.
No Weapons Policy
Via’s No Weapons Policy can be found here.
Service Animal Policy
Via’s Service Animal Policy can be found here.
Age Policy
Anyone can ride but children under the age of 10 can must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Can I smoke or use an electronic cigarette in my vehicle?
Smoking of any kind is prohibited in your vehicle. This includes e-cigarettes, vaporizers, or "smokeless" cigarettes.
Can I eat in the vehicle?
We know that you are folks on the go, but please help us keep our vehicles clean and fresh and avoid bringing food and drink in our cars. If spills occur, we may have to charge you a cleaning fee.
Can I use my phone while on a shared ride?
Please be considerate of other members in your vehicle and limit phone calls to quick logistics and emergencies during shared rides.
Can I bring luggage/personal items in my vehicle?
High Valley Transit vehicles are a shared space, and as such we ask everyone to limit any personal items to a single piece of luggage or a reasonably-sized bag. Micro vehicles are equipped with bike racks which hold up to 4 bicycles at a time.
Zero Tolerance Policy
Via’s Zero Tolerance Policy can be found here.
Anti-Discrimination Policy
Via’s Anti-Discrimination Policy can be found here.
Via - High Valley Transit Privacy Policy
Please see our updated privacy notice here.
More questions?
Please contact us at 435-246-1538 or by email at [email protected].